The Bombay High court has given the verdict, the Supreme Court has referred it back the Bombay High court and the legal battles will continue to wrangle. The lower to mid middle class that bought a house after putting all their life savings into it will be in a limbo. And the bureaucrats, politicians and builders will continue to enjoy the “some are more equal than others” rights! That’s Indian democracy in a nutshell.
But my father thought of a solution to this problem. If the Chief Justice or the President or the Prime Minister wants one, here is a workable solution. All the municipality officers, builders, bankers (approving the scheme, giving loans etc.) and other stakeholders should be identified. And in a making-an-example-out-of-Kenneth-Lay style, bring them all to justice. Imprison them for life!
Sure, there will be protests. The builders’ association will stage demonstrations. The Bank unions will go on strike; the municipal officials will stage a dharna. Let them protest. In fact, treat them as accomplices and send them to prison as well. Let the prisons overflow – we drove the British out with such movements, surely, we can drive the cancer of corruption out with this uprising! Here is your chance to take a tough stand Mr. Soft-spoken Prime Minister. If you want to bring reforms to Indian Administration, take this chance. Many a heart and soul would bless you…
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