Monday, January 16, 2006

Missed Call

With a Caller ID available on the cell phones, the missed calls have become a language of there own…and since voicemail comes with a cost attached to it, it is almost unheard of. However, there is a breed of people who take offence at you not answering the phone. So, if they call, and you do not answer, they call again and again and again…. There was this newly married girl who used to sit about three cubicles away from me. She had her cell-phone ring set to the highest volume, phone inside the purse and purse inside the drawer. Invariably, she would forget to carry her phone to the cafeteria. Her devoted hubby would always call her during lunch time. As the luck would have it, her time to go for lunch coincided with me returning from lunch. I had to listen to the persistent Bollywood tunes daily – irritated me to the extent that I was ready to break open her drawer and purse and talk to her husband. My snide remarks eventually paid off and she started carrying the phone with her.

I was guilty of the same offence on Friday. Since it was rather nippy (by Pune standards), I was wearing a light spring jacket. The phone was in the jacket. I came to work, left the jacket on the chair and went for some breakfast and then for a casual chat with the team. After I returned to my desk, there was a weird buzz-hum sound coming from my chair. Yes, someone had called, and it was - kid-you-not - the 17th missed call in barely 30 minutes. Caller – I bow to thy calling (im)patience!

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