Cancellation of the Idea Celebrates Pune event was a refresher of news. For a change the notorious Patit Pawan Sanghatana was not fighting because “our” culture was in danger or because the length of a skirt was too short or an amorous message was printed on a greeting card! They were actually fighting because Idea Cellular, in cohorts with the pesky KISS FM style radio station Radio Mirchi was trying to do something that a normal person cannot even fathom! The reason was the Celebrate Pune event! Idea and Radio Mirchi have been trying to find a reason to woo customers, hence the reason for this event. Why complain though? After all, they have the right to attract customers, offer schemes, advertise at will and prosper in business. Every advertiser is trying to find an innovative way. Idea and Radio Mirchi thought it might be cool to hold events and because there was nothing much happening, the decided to create an event – Celebrate Pune! Call different DJs or singers, make people buy tickets, let them sing, dance, have some fun and make money out of it! They even composed a song about it where the water of Mula Mutha was called "Tirth". What’s wrong with this? Well – this is what is wrong with it…
The other day, while driving through already crowded morning traffic, we found one lane of the Sangam Bridge closed. For what? A makeshift stadium for the Celebrate Pune event! Arcades were erected on the JM Road, Bund Garden Road and Dhole Patil Road – blocking the traffic. We even talked about it – how could this be allowed – it is blocking the traffic. I guess normal people are boring because they worry about such things. Who ever thinks such things will block the traffic?
The event was to be concluded yesterday at a new venue – the Jayantrao Tilak Bridge. The bridge was closed to traffic from Friday. It is okay if our already choked and unruly traffic is further put to test because of this. Were proper permissions obtained? When the members of the Patit Pawan Sanghatana reached the venue demanding the proof of the permissions, the organizers could not produce any. Because there were none! Our question was answered – it was allowed because no one bothered to ask! The news item also had it that the speakers flouted the norms laid down by the Supreme Court to control noise pollution.
And this is from one of the large cellular providers and a radio station company that is soon going public! Do you people have no respect for the law of the land? How could you, Idea and Radio Mirchi – how could you do this to us?
Surprisingly, the overactive media did not bother to take note of this. Loksatta had detailed news on page 4 and Sakal, smaller news on Page 6 – places where people will not take pains to look. Indian Express did not find enough merit in publishing this. Very surprisingly, it appears the Pune Municipal Corporation and Pune University were also partners in the event. How could the PMC approve of holding an event on the bridge that is used by many for their daily commute? Allow it to remain closed for three days and not even bother to check if the necessary clearance has been obtained? Something is fishy here; this big a scam cannot be pulled unless it had a blessing from higher up.
Are we all so blinded by rampant consumerism that laws can be bypassed? If smaller companies can show this attitude towards the Corporate Social Responsibility, do we even try to find out what could be happening in the bigger companies?
I do not listen to Radio Mirchi anyways – not even if I am bored to death. May be now it is time to cancel the Idea subscription that my parents have.
Oh, and the money you made from the earlier Celebrate Pune event will be put to better use if your executives are given some classes in Corporate Social Responsibility. Think about it, that might actually be a better Idea.