Friday, March 16, 2007

Veggie Nazis

I remember having a heated argument in a bus with one friend about his criticism generally directed towards non-vegetarians. Why it was okay to eat plants then – I asked smugly. Because they don’t have emotions – pat came the reply. Here is an article – THE PRETZEL LOGIC OF VEGETARIANISM – that debates that logic. After almost 10 years, I have a fellow sympathizer in Ted Rall. I am not justifying the blatant omnivorous or carnivorous nature, but I am against what I call Veggie-Nazis and also their tactics to emotionally blackmail people into becoming veggies not to mention the convoluted logic.

As an aside – a popular theme on this side of the world is brahmaNanee chicken chaa bhaav vaaDhavalaa! (I am not going to translate that, take help from your Marathi friends)

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