Thursday, February 23, 2006

W Reads my Blog!

Interesting news item this – Bush: US on verge of Energy Breakthrough. All he says is that would “startle” most Americans. Why, it startled me! The head honcho of the Oil Mafia is creating a whole new world! Where did he get this idea? Could it have been this post by yours truly?

One of the reasons W gives for reducing the use of Petroleum products is:

Some of these foreign suppliers have "unstable" governments that have fundamental differences with America, he said.

Compare that with yours truly:

Almost all of the Petrol/Diesel that we use is imported. This makes us invariably dependent on the countries whose policies are often hostile to our national integrity.

On non-conventional energy sources, W says:

Bush said he was impressed with the growing commercial uses of solar energy.

"Roof makers will one day be able to make a solar roof that protects you from the elements and at the same time, powers your house," Bush said. "The vision is this — that technology will become so efficient that you'll become a little power generator in your home, and if you don't use the energy you generate you'll be able to feed it back into the electricity grid."

Compare that with yours truly:

In the meantime, though, we should still propagate the usage of solar energy. Let every roof-top be of solar panels. What would that achieve?

1. Treat each building or house as a unit. The unit will install Solar Panels for energy creation. For example, even if the energy generated serves 20% (I am just making this number up, if it is more, even better) of energy needs of that unit, it will reduce the shortfall of energy.

Uncanny ha? May be he got the ideas after accidentally bumping into my blog while killing time in the Oval Office. May be he is as smart as I am! But what if, I am as dumb as he is?

Jokes aside – there has to be a serious attention towards the energy shortage and sustainability. One would hope the Energy Security policy that Dr. Manmohan Singh is busy formulating will go beyond the media-hype that W has created. But for once, we have something to be agreeable with the POTUS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The United States dependency upon foreign oil is well documented. Recently Bush has begun rhetoric similar to what you have posted. At the same time, he has cut funding for some of these efforts but is emphasizing what is funded vs. the cuts.

In the US there is further pursuit of opening resources that were previously protected from energy production, such as ALaska and the mountains of Colorado and turning these cherished areas into more drillable land.

India appears to be more serious in their efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil. In the US, the emphasis needs to be on more efficient transportation where fossil fuels are often used. I am not sure about India's best places to save.