Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The murder most foul or what?

The Startrubine.com on Sunday June 11 published an article about the “shock and awe” – 40 feet crater shows power of Al-Zarqawi bombs.

The article says:

The two 500-pound bombs that killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi pulverized the brick house where he spent his final minutes, vaporizing walls and the foundation, hurling concrete blocks 300 feet into the weeds and blasting a crater 40 feet wide and deep.

"A big hole, sir," said Sgt. Maj. Gary Rimpley, 46, of Penrose, Colo., who reached the scene about 90 minutes after the bombs fell.

Now no one doubts that Zarqawi was a bad guy but there are some questions about the way it was dealt with.

What is the reason for summary justice? What happened to a commission like Nuremberg trials? And why not apply at least some humanitarian concepts to GITMO? And why not hold the proper authorities accountable? But reason and logic are not strong points of the Bush Administration and hence all the shock and awe. Is it just a coincidence that Fidel Castro rules rest of the Island?

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