Monday, December 11, 2006

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Came across this interesting Blog post by Ashutosh Jogalekar. Reminds me of a certain scientist from Florence…Galileo wrote a book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems to compare the Copernican model and Ptolemaic model that explain the motion of planets, sun, earth etc. According to Dava Sobel, after a long-winded analysis, Galileo has concluded that Ptolemy is correct but left the reader convinced that it is Copernicus! Galileo could not have officially concluded otherwise. And even with this, he faced inquisition, found this book in the list of forbidden books and was convicted of grave suspicion to heresy. How times have changed – from punishing truth as heresy to propagating fiction as truth.

(Note: For more information and if you have the enthusiasm, please look up for Galileo's book on Wiki, there is a lot of information there or read Dava Sobel's Galileo's Daughter.)

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